What is a total ethics fashion system?

Coined by Collective Fashion Justice founder Emma Håkansson, a total ethics fashion system is one which prioritises life and wellbeing for all, before profit and production.


Is total ethics fashion different to ethical fashion?

The term ‘total ethics fashion’ exists to express intersections and collectivity where other concepts and terms related to responsible production, consumption and relationships with fashion have not. It exists to demand an all encompassing and holistic view of this responsibility, and of care. To counter the increasing narrowness of terms like ‘ethical fashion’, ‘fair fashion’, ‘vegan fashion’, ‘sustainable fashion’, ‘cruelty-free fashion’ and ‘eco-friendly fashion’, which have been overused and misused to such a degree the meaning is twisted, contorted and eventually lost.

A total ethics fashion system protects everyone.


Total ethics for humans

Transparent supply chains are not enough. We need to ensure that supply chains are paying every human working within them a secure, living wage. These working people deserve a safe, comfortable work environment. They deserve the right to refuse unsafe work without fear of job loss, they deserve basic human rights, as set by the United Nations.


Total ethics for our fellow animals

Without a move beyond the use, exploitation and slaughter of animals in fashion, the industry will always be built on commodification and a denial of autonomy, no matter how fair our labour practices are.

Total ethics fashion does not limit its circle of concern to one species, but extends it to all.


Total ethics for the planet

The wellbeing of the planet, and all those who live on it must be taken very seriously in work towards a total ethics fashion system.

Materials which cause deforestation, biodiversity destruction and species endangerment are not acceptable. Wasteful processes must become things of the past. Total ethics fashion does not heavily contribute to the climate crisis.

To learn more about total ethics fashion, grab a free, donation-based copy of ‘total ethics fashion: a primer’