Collective Fashion Justice Collective Fashion Justice

‘Regenerative leather’ is a myth – here’s why

Regenerative leather promises to allow us to continue to rearing animals in fashion supply chains, without harming the climate or land. But is this really possible? The best available data states that this ‘solution’ is not all that it promises to be..

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Emma Hakansson Emma Hakansson

Australians are being misled by the fashion industry

Collective Fashion Justice commissioned new polling to support its recommendations for an Australian federal government inquiry into green-washing, and found that the expectations people have for ‘sustainable’ and ‘ethical’ garment labels aren’t being met.

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Emma Hakansson Emma Hakansson

Fashion is failing to address the cow in the room

While our analysis of fashion media highlights how cows are ignored in discussions of responsible leather production, fashion brands themselves fail to produce animal protection policies that actually work.

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Emma Hakansson Emma Hakansson

Questions to ask brands before supporting them

We have an enormous amount of power as citizens. The fashion industry exists to clothe us, and so we influence the fashion industry not only by voting with our dollar, but by telling the fashion industry what we think is important, and what we want to see from it.

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Natalie LaBarbera Natalie LaBarbera

How does leather production harm people?

Our new report series explores the interlinked harms caused by leather production, first, highlighting the human rights violations, unjust payments and labour injustices across the leather supply chain.

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Bella Holgate Bella Holgate

Myer’s support of horse racing cruelty and slaughter

For almost 60 years, Australian fashion retailer Myer has helped to fund horse racing cruelty, and incentivised consumers to support it. As the Victorian Racing Club’s major partner, read on to see how Myer supports and promotes cruelty under the guise of fun and ‘harmless’ fashion competitions.

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George Varagiannis George Varagiannis

How leather supply chains around the globe are tied to deforestation

Most people interested in fashion and sustainability have heard the industry claims that leather is the more sustainable option as it is ‘natural’. However, global leather supply chains are responsible for the destruction of the natural world, including through deforestation.

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